Reading Journal

Books can take us worlds away.

Where you've been shapes who you are.

Journal your book reading experiences.

Bookshelves filled with colorful books to be entered in a reading journal

Journal Your Reading

There’s nothing like a good book to activate all our senses. Sadness, suspense, kindness and the beauty of humankind in every permutation can be found between the covers of a book. While media can be easy to consume, the act of reading challenges our thinking on different levels, and we get emotional benefit through doing the actual work of decoding as we read.


Book Lovers Journal

As we read, we find ourselves encountering the human condition over varying spaces of time, place and person. Is this why the study of literature is considered one of the Humanities? Reading teaches us about who we are, and who others are, “humanizing” us, making us more aware of culture, language, and beauty. Could reading ignite the change we want to be?

Reading Journal Ideas

Track your reading progress in your Heritage journal. Use the table of contents as a guide to each title.  Record the name and the author and give it a rating of 0-4 stars. Describe the book and its effect in a single sentence. Which character was your favorite and why. Who do you know will enjoy reading this book? Record the month in which you read it. What was happening and how did the book connect to your personal life or to something else you were reading. Download our Reading Journal Template for more ideas.

Which color coordinates with your favorite book cover?


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