Travel Journal

Push the boundaries of experience

Getting there is the first step.

Immerse yourself in a new setting. Take a note, write a poem, unleash your inner creative with inspirational muses you’ve not seen before. Try on every new experience and see what fits. Pen and paper assure you this experience is real!

Travel Journals

Travel Journal Ideas

Anticipation is half the journey. A Leatherpress travel journal is there for you. Plan your itinerary, pick out the spots you know you’ll love, and some you’ll take a risk on. Forget efficiency. Sometimes the long way round is the most interesting.  Make a packing list and cross out half of it. Travel light. Whether you wing it, or reserve your train seat in advance, your travel journal holds all these ideas together. Download our Travel Journal Template for more ideas.


Travel Journal

An itinerary is always a good idea and fits neatly into the planning section of your travel journal.  Museums and monuments may have times of entry that are essential to know – though we can’t always predict an Uffizi gallery strike! Keep a loose grip on your plans, sometimes the most memorable moments happen off script.  Store your itinerary in the back pocket of your Inspire journal for easy reference.

Travel Gifts

Gadgets and gear are great, but a travel journal has lasting value beyond the trip itself.  Years later, tales of adventure are remembered and relived as you look through your journal. Longer treks may use up a whole journal, while others become an epic of travels over the years. A Heritage or Inspire Leatherpress notebook is the perfect gift for a traveler.

Travel Journaling

Skip the Instagram photos this time and journal your experience. See around the lens as you write out the waves of thought and feeling. Writing is a great excuse for stillness, a coffee, and a chance to get down a snippet of your experience.  Write in paragraph form or headline form – you’ve curated the trip for you, so capture the moment in your own way, and in your own color from our Heritage or Inspire Journal lines.

Travel Journal for Lazy Trips

Life experience tells us that ideas strike when we least expect it. Extraordinary moments happen when we’re not looking for them. So don’t forget your Leatherpress travel journal when you’re off to the beach or the mountains for a quiet getaway.  Record gratitude, the sight of rosy time at dusk, how your children enjoy the fresh air. Your next best business idea might strike you between the eyes as you relax on the beach.

Explore your next muse from our Inspire collection


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