Notebooks For Planning

Capture the moment - plan for the little things

Notice the wonder of everyday life…the shafts of light falling through leaves, the sounds of leaves falling to the ground, stars redefining vastness. Amidst busy, full lives, the little things keep us going, like the feel of a real leather bound journal.

Elegant and ephemeral.

Sleek and suave.

Happy and hopeful.

live in color

Want To Get Started On The Little Things?

We’re here to help. Writing down the little beauties of the day is really a work of gratitude. Whether you’re a busy parent, child, student, business owner – or maybe all of that, taking a few minutes to write down what you can be thankful for is a game changer. Start with that – then move on to the planning!

Download our Gratitude Template to get started.

Ideas grow here.

Elegant and pretty.


We love this as a recipe notebook or, add some sunshine to your business planning with this Butter Yellow notebook. 

Benefits of Planning

Planning keeps us alert to the little things. We think through every detail down to the smallest.  We’re ready for anything. And, as a bonus, because we’ve got the plan down in our notebook, we’ve got the time to notice everything else: the feel of our daughter’s hand in ours as we walk to school, the steam rising from our coffee cup, the ABBA song streaming out someone’s car window. Those are moments to write down in your lovely Leatherpress notebook, too.

Inspire Notebook Collection


Explore more colors from our Heritage Collection