Gratitude Journal

Record the everyday blessings each day brings.

So much to be thankful for.

Take stock of all that you have; you’ll find much less to want.

Thankful Journal
Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal

A Leatherpress Journal keeps that list of all you’ve got that really matters. Start with people. Who’s looking out for you? Who’s got your back and is your biggest cheerleader? Who’s been given to you to love and care for? What do you have in life that brings joy? Take time at the end of each day to remember the glimmers, the bright lights. Even challenges can be lessons learned.


Gratitude Journal Benefits

The benefits of gratitude journaling are boundless. Mentally and emotionally, it encourages and sustains an attitude of optimism, positive self-esteem, resilience and general satisfaction with life. Physically, it reduces stress, helps you sleep better and lowers inflammation.  Is it any surprise that relationships flourish as well? Document it all in your Leatherpress Inspire notebook – pick a color that makes you happy!

Gratitude Journal Template With Prompts

It’s easy to get a start on being thankful as we look around at who and what we have in our lives. Some days, however, discouragement can fog our outlook and obscure what’s in our sight. Those days we start with anything – thankful for an alarm clock, a job and morning coffee. Do you need more ideas about how to get started? Download our free gratitude journal prompt template. We’ll help you out.

Gratitude Journal For Kids

Start your kids off with an Inspire notebook and a daily assignment to write one thing for which they’re thankful. Set them off with a habit that will serve them well over their lifetime and keep them resilient despite change.  A lovely leather notebook is a treat for kids, showing them how valuable gratitude is for life. Of course, kids learn from parents, so don’t forget to pick out a Heritage journal or Inspire notebook for yourself too!

Move forward in gratitude with a pick from our Inspire collection.


Explore more colors from our Heritage collection

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